Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of The Lord

The power of the holy night dispels all evil, washes guilt away, restores lost innocence and brings mourners joy. It casts out hatred, brings us peace and humbles earthly pride. What a powerful prayer this is for us now in this time in our history.

Despite the many unjust events and structures in our world, we are indeed an Easter people, washed in the waters of baptism, anointed with the oil of salvation and fed at the table of the Lord. We are called to believe in a God who brings life from our many forms of death and to trust that our God is a God free to work his wonders in endings as well as beginnings.

The Easter tomb is indeed empty but the Lord is alive and working in our world. He is visibly present in the community of the Innaloo/Karrinyup Parish. We witness Him as one who lives among us in large and small ways. He is present in our ministries of simple fellowship to one another and in the multitude of ways we reach out to give new life and hope to those in need of our care and service.

We know that the Lord is alive here among us most of all because the words He spoke are true of this community in ever new and wonder-filled ways.

Wishing all parishioners a Happy and Holy Easter; if you are travelling, please be careful on our roads.

God bless,

Father Bernard