A Christmas Message

The Nativity of The Lord

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Christmas season is the time for celebrating and rejoicing in gifts! The supreme gift, of course, is not a “thing”, but a human being sent by God. He is Jesus, “God with us”. We rejoice in the gift of Jesus in our life, and the peace and hope he brings us! But we also rejoice in the gift of our parish family and each member of our community.

It’s in this community that we meet Jesus in a special way. Our life, worship, and service together is a source of great blessing for all of us. I sincerely thank each one of you for being part of our family here in the parish, and for all you contribute to our life together.

We are all aware of the suffering and devastation affecting so many parts of our world, as well as our own land, Australia. So, while we rejoice in the gifts that bless our lives, we pray and work for the peace and healing needed by so many.

I sincerely pray that each one of you, and all your family members, are blessed with peace and joy this Christmas.

Fr Bernard

Main Image Source: Episcopal Diocese of Vermont